Will The Hate Stop???!!

Michelle The MydNite Writer
4 min readJan 23, 2021

Cancel Culture, being on social media in these times can expose you to some of the worst behaviors that can be experienced in the human psyche. Just like repeated blows to head can cause CTE and other neurological damage to the brain. The ability for duplicitous people to obscure their identity has led to some immense acts of cruelty. Cowards use to act in shadows, but they have been emboldened by the refueling of unabashed racism and hate.

Growing up in Mississippi, you learn the pecking order very quickly. Black people died because White people said, they didn’t know their place. What’s messed up about this? There are people that are still perpetrating this today; One hundred years after the Red Summer of 1921. Now, The Voting Rights act was passed in 1964, and was implemented 65–68. In 2020, the hatred continues. Why is this so terrible? Because of our written creed; “One Nation under GOD” or the other one; In GOD we trust.

GOD, THE ALMIGHTY, maker of Heaven and Earth??? The reverence of those words should give you chills. We believe in “GOD” who sent Jesus, The Christ, (John 3:16) as a perfect and Holy sacrifice for “our” sins. That you, The Church, would accept the evils of lying, greed, inhospitality to the poor, along with the orphaned and widows as an act of nationalism. This should sicken your collective souls.

Let me refresh your memory; these are the true sins of Sodom and Gomorrah. Their pious attitudes qualified them for GOD’s wrath.

Oh don’t stop reading now, we are going towards a spiritual reckoning. We all fall short of the Glory of GOD; THE ALMIGHTY and our brother his Son, Jesus The Christ. Today, I make this inquiry my Brothers and Sisters in GOD, THE FATHER. Do you really think our FATHER GOD, approves? This is the time to really be honest about your relationship with GOD, THE ALMIGHTY. Their ilk (Lots of Evangelical Christians) are like the Sadducees’ and Pharisees, who were called a brood of vipers aka snakes/serpents.

Does anyone of you truly think our Loving and Merciful GOD approves of the ongoing hatred all over the nation? Some people post they love Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., How can this be and you support the laws, plus the positions of hateful racist and racist actions of people in positions of government? Help me understand please 🙏.

White and Black people, as well as POC and Tribal nations have died on this land at the hands of racial hatred and bigotry. My bigger question is, why do the supporters of hatred and racism (White people and some wicked Rich people) feel marginalized? Especially, when you have had an advantage for a few hundred years in America? Many of you when questioned, would not ever desire to live as a Black person. There are other minority groups that don’t desire that experience either. Chris Rock expresses this sentiment best. “White people don’t even want to be me and I am rich!” — Quote

Just a small diatribe, when I think about the first time I was watching Star Trek. There were very few Black people portrayed, I had noticed that always. When I was a young girl, what I surmised is that we, the world, had a giant race war. Black people were obliterated in the fighting. This is what else I observed, the wars always continued, because the greed would perpetuate itself. Another culture and/or race, that were studying us from afar was using the behavior they learned from watching the United States, China and other countries. (It happened in Nazi Germany, they learned their hate from watching America.) A very poignant line in a very famous commercial, “We learned it from you.”.

To all the Hilly Holbrook’s, (reference, The Help) “Aren’t you tired?” You are suppose to represent GOD, but you are really GOD-less. A more cruel reference, “Twelve Years a Slave” The subhuman treatment of Black people and Women especially. Why yes, I am addressing the cruelty of Women in the predominant culture. The Quakers would look at you in shame today. Power has the ability to corrupt even the best of human behavior. As Women in this nation we have the power to become the best of ourselves. Yet Women are some of the greatest detractors of other Women. Women could have elected a Woman President quite easily. (Wow, there I said it.) You had a Woman that was ten times smarter and more knowledgeable about both government and the law. Unfortunately, you wonderful Women decided to elect an overgrown toddler. The largest embarrassment to the office of the Presidency, he doesn’t believe in GOD, THE ALMIGHTY. He’s a proven liar, cheat and adulterer, who has been bankrupt six times. (Wow!!)

When will the “Hate Stop”? What will it take to bring back kindness and human decency? Why are people dying of Whiteness? Let me explain this term if it’s new for you. For a lot of the poorest White people in America, they are being led in a misguided fashion; to think that being White is the end all be all. They think their white skin makes them better than Black People and POC or Native Americans. Even as they look at their poverty and embrace millionaires that don’t care about them. These rich Whites, don’t care about them or their plight, and oppress them with this “White is Right” message. This Southern Strategy has them trapped in poverty and their minds locked with hatred, as they wait in line for welfare and food stamps.

Again, I ask the misguided, “Will the Hate Stop?”

Photo by Ehimetalor Akhere Unuabona on Unsplash



Michelle The MydNite Writer

I have written poetry for many years. I write books for children too @ tmrcus.com. Just here on Medium expressing myself internally. Enjoy!